Tuesday, July 31, 2012

MEDAL CEREMONY: Host With The Most




PLEASE RISE for the National Anthem of CANADA
1. The Gherkin
2. St. Paul's Cathedral
3. Tower Bridge
4. London City Hall
5. Kensington Palace
6. Picadilly Circus
7. London Eye
8. Royal Observatory
9. Westminster Palace/House of Parliament
10. St. Martin's in the Field
11. 10 Downing Street
12. Millennium Bridge
13. Buckingham Palace
14. Trafalgar Square
15. Mansion House
16. Tower of London
17. Royal Albert Hall
18. Horse Guards Palace
19. Big Ben
20. Westminster Abby
21. The Shard

Monday, July 30, 2012

MEDAL CEREMONY: A Rousing Anthem

GOLD:  SWEDEN  (8 minutes)

SILVER:  SWAZILAND  (9 minutes)

BRONZE:  ERITREA  (11 minutes)

PLEASE STAND for the National Anthem of SWEDEN

Sunday, July 29, 2012


COUNTRY         G S B T
Mongolia             1 1 0 2
Czech Republic   1 0 1 2
Swaziland           1 0 1 2
India                   0 1 1 2
Rwanda              1 0 0 1
Netherlands        1 0 0 1
Latvia                 1 0 0 1
Mexico               0 1 0 1
Kyrgystan           0 1 0 1
Australia             0 1 0 1
Ireland                0 1 0 1
Liechtenstein      0 0 1 1
Germany             0 0 1 1
Sri Lanka            0 0 1 1

MEDAL CEREMONY: The Long Road To London




PLEASE STAND for the National Anthem of SWAZILAND

For those checking their answers - here are the correct complete answers directly from the IOC web page about the London Games:
1.  Paris, France; Leipzig, Germany; NYC, USA; Istanbul, Turkey;  Havana, Cuba; Moscow, Russia; London, UK; Madrid, Spain; Rio de Janero, Brazil
2.  May 18, 2004
3.  Paris, NYC, Madrid, Moscow, London
4.  July 6, 2005 in Singapore
5.  117th IOC Session
6.  a.  Moscow; b.  NYC;  c.  Madrid
7.  London (54) - Paris (50)  

*LITTLE omissions and mistakes made all the difference at the e-finish line.

MEDAL CEREMONY: Represent!!!




PLEASE STAND for the National Anthem of MONGOLIA

MEDAL CEREMONY: The Chosen Few (Flag bearers)

 GOLD:  Latvia   (29 minutes)

SILVER:  Kyrgystan  (30 minutes)

BRONZE:  Swaziland  (32 minutes)

PLEASE RISE for the National Anthem of LATVIA

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Comments from Opening Ceremony Events

  • "How can that woman from Djibouti see with the gold on her face?"   -Team Iraq
  • "Okay so I have chosen on teams that walked out and I thought...I want to wear that."  -Team Sri Lanka
  • "Marshall Islands - total fire hazard with the grass skirt/bird-like outfits.  If sparks from pyrotechnics get near those outfits it could start a brush fire."   -Team Mexico
  • "Netherlands - this is not the Bachelor/Bachelorette - there is no need for the oversized orange flowers on your lapels."  -Team Mexico
  • "...normally I would celebrate the color, but Mexico is just a hot mess."  Team Andorra
  • "Can I vote for the Face Dress girls carrying the Lady Gaga-esque country signs?"  -Team Finland
  • "France.  Classic.  Somebody out Ralphed  Ralph Lauren.  Bravo."  -Team Turkey
  • "Germany.  Pink and blue cotton candy colored jackets?  Piggyback rides?  Smiles & tomfoolery?  Shame on you Germany, for pretending to be something you're not.  Namely, Lighthearted and fun. "  -Team Turkey
  • "Canada.  It's the Olympics.  The OLYMPICS!  Are khakis and zippys the best you can do?  1st place loser is too good for you. No wonder you're still best known for being America's attic. Jeez. "  -Team Turkey
  • "Czech Republic.  To call this the mullet of uniforms would be an insult to mullets. This   monstrosity was business on top, and god-only-knows-what on the bottom.  Even the best of party goers wouldn't have paired electric blue spandex shorts with matching rubber boots.  It was like the entire nation woke up late, threw on a dress shirt and tie, then forgot to put their pants on before dashing off to work.  In the rain."  -Team Turkey
  • "American Samoa, because it takes real panache for men to wear skirts and toothed necklaces." -Team Belgium
  • "USA, somewhere between Air France flight attendants and Hogwarts."  -Team Belgium
  • "Germany-like bad 80s gender specific roller derby jackets!"  -Team Rwanda
  • "Mexico ... they must've just told them "wear whatever, as long as it is hideous!""  -Team Colombia
  • "Honorable mention to Belgium for distracting me with too many cute guys.  No idea what they were wearing.   In hindsight, they should have taken it off..."   -Team Mongolia
  • "Spain - how do you say "would you like fries with that?" in Spanish.  Looked Ike McDonald's reject uniforms."  -Team Mongolia
  • "Germany - you are Germany.  Nursery pink for the girls and pastel blue for the boys.   No...  I expect more from you.   Not okay.   You can't blend with the cool African kids in the fancy colors, stop trying."   -Team Mongolia

Medal Ceremony: Worst Dress Opening Ceremonies 2012

15 votes (9 1st place votes)

14 votes (5 1st place votes)

13 votes (2 1st place votes)


This event garnered only 23 total countries receiving votes, but the passion against the clothing of these countries was truly a sight to behold.

Medal Ceremony: Best Dress Opening Ceremonies 2012

10 total votes (3 1st place)
6 total votes (2 1st place)
5 total votes (2 1st place)

PLEASE RISE for the National Anthem
of The Netherlands 

***This competition was FASCINATING to watch transpire.  Out of the 115 e-countries
competing, 51 cast votes.  In the BEST DRESSED competition, there were a total of 40
different countries that received a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place vote.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Medal Ceremony: e-Athlete Recruitment

Congrats to the first 2012 e-Medalists!

GOLD: Rwanda
4 recruits

SILVER: Mongolia
3 recruits*

BRONZE: Liechtenstein
3 recruits*

*tie broken by country who got to 3 recruits first

PLEASE rise for the national anthem of Rwanda:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just In Time

LOOK who else e-qualified, just in the knick of time!
Also welcome:

Brazil - Denmark - Belarus
Pakistan - Germany - Bolivia - Mexico - Israel

115 e-Nations...all have arrived!

Monday, July 23, 2012

The e-World is COMING!!!!

Albania - Andorra - Argentina - Armenia - Australia - Austria Azerbaijan - Bahrain - Barbados - Belgium
Bosnia & Herzegovinia - Bulgaria - Cambodia - Canada
Cape Verde - Chile - China - Columbia - Congo - Costa Rica
Cote D'Ivoire - Croatia - Cuba - Cyprus - Czech Republic
Djibouti - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - Egypt - Eritrea
Fiji - Finland - France - Georgia - Ghana
Great Britain - Greece - Guatemala - Guyana - Hungary
Iceland - India - Indonesia - Iraq - Ireland - Italy - Japan - Kenya Kiribati - Kyrgyzstan - Latvia - Lesotho - Liechtenstein   Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malaysia - Mongolia - Morocco Mozambique - Myanmar - Namibia - Nepal - Netherlands 

New Zealand - North Korea - Norway - Palestine - Panama
Papua New Guinea - Paraguay - Peru - Philippines - Poland Portugal - Qatar - Romania - Russian Federation - Rwanda 
Samoa - Senegal - Serbia - Seychelles - Sierra Leone -Singapore Slovenia - Somalia - South Africa - South Korea - Spain 
Sri Lanka - Sudan - Swaziland - Sweden - Switzerland - Tanzania
Thailand - Tonga - Trinidad & Tobago - Turkey - Turkmenistan
Uganda - Ukraine - USA - Venezuela - Vietnam
Zambia - Zimbabwe

107 e-Nations strong....and counting....